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February 13, 2024

IN THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, JACKSON COUNTY, MISSOURIJudge or Division: PROBATE Case Number: 24P8-PR00020 In the Estate of ROBERT H. BOTTOMS, Deceased.Notice to Creditors (Small Estate)To All Persons Interested in the Estate of ROBERT H. BOTTOMS, Decedent. On JANUARY 11, 2024 a small estate affidavit was filed by the distributees for the decedent under Section 473.097, RSMo, with the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of JACKSON COUNTY Missouri. All creditors of Decedent, who died on 16-SEP-2023, are notified that Section 473.444, RSMo, sets a limitation period that would bar claims one year after the death of Decedent. A creditor may request that this estate be opened for administration. Receipt of this notice should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient may possibly have a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, may possibly be determined from the affidavit on this estate filed in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of JACKSON COUNTY Missouri. Date of first publication is FEBRUARY 13, 2024. Beverly A. Newman, Court Administrator By /s/ Deputy Court Administrator 2580783 Jackson Feb. 13, 2024

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Missouri Lawyers Media has abstracted these listings from public notices submitted to us for publication, which we do not independently verify. Where we've been able to enhance listings with supplementary information, that information is unofficial and uncorroborated. For the official version of a public notice, consult the print edition. BridgeTower Media assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these listings and makes no representations regarding their accuracy or reliability.