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February 12, 2024

NOTICE OF WINDING UP FOR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO ALL CREDITORS OF AND CLAIMANTS AGAINST MAKE THE GRADE CONSULTING, LLCMake the Grade Consulting, LLC, a Missouri limited liability company, filed its Notice of Winding Up for Limited Liability Company with the Missouri Secretary of State on February 8, 2024. Any and all claims against Make the Grade Consulting, LLC may be sent to Affinity Law Group, LLC, 1610 Des Peres Road, Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63131. Each claim must include: (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the claimant; (ii) amount of the claim; (iii) basis for the claim; and (iv) documentation of the claim. A claim against Make the Grade Consulting, LLC will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within three (3) years after the publication of this notice. 2580738 County Feb. 12, 2024

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Missouri Lawyers Media has abstracted these listings from public notices submitted to us for publication, which we do not independently verify. Where we've been able to enhance listings with supplementary information, that information is unofficial and uncorroborated. For the official version of a public notice, consult the print edition. BridgeTower Media assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these listings and makes no representations regarding their accuracy or reliability.