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January 26, 2024

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF JEFFERSON COUNTY STATE OF MISSOURI Case No. 23JE-CC00538 Division 1JUSTIN SELSOR, and MEGAN SELSOR, Plaintiffs, v. ROBERT E. COURTNEY, JR., LISA FLORIAN, HAROLD R. COLE, JR., BARBARA A. COLE, HEIRS AT LAW OF BARBARA A. COLE, ARNOLD J. FLEER a/k/a A.J. FLEER, HEIRS AT LAW OF ARNOLD J. FLEER a/k/a A.J. FLEER CHRISTINE J. FLEER, HEIRS AT LAW OF CHRISTINE J. FLEER, SHELBY ANDERSON, HEIRS AT LAW OF SHELBY ANDERSON, CHARLES DRAEGER, HEIRS AT LAW OF CHARLES DRAEGER, SUNTIDE LAND COMPANY, TRUSTEES OF THE ENCHANTED FOREST SUBDIVISION INCLUDING WINDSWEPT ADDITION TO ENCHANTED FOREST SUBDIVISION ENCHANTED FOREST IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION, BONDED INVESTORS GROUP, INC., And HERTMITAGE HILLS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, Defendants.NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATIONThe State of Missouri to Defendants, Barbara A. Cole, Heirs at Law of Barbara A. Cole, Arnold J. Fleer a/k/a A.J. Fleer, Heirs at Law of Arnold J. Fleer a/k/a A.J. Fleer, Christine J. Fleer, Heirs at Law of Christine J. Fleer, Shelby Anderson, Heirs at Law of Shelby Anderson, Charles Draeger, Heirs at Law of Charles Draeger, and Lisa Florian: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, State of Missouri, the object and general nature of which is to quiet title to real property situated in the County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, described as follows: Parcel No. 04-6.0-13.0-0-001-036 Lots 3, 4 and 5 of Fleer's Addition to Twin River Heights, a subdivision in Jefferson County, Missouri, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15 Page 5 of the Jefferson County Records; Parcel No. 04-6.0-13.0-0-001-038 Lots 1 and 2 of Fleer's Addition to Twin River Heights, a subdivision in Jefferson County, Missouri, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15 Page 31A of the Jefferson County Records; Parcel No. 02-5.0-22.0-2-001-009.12 Tract D of Boundary Adjustment of a Tract of Land Being All of Lots 23-25, 44-50, 59-68, All of Tract "D" and a Part of Tract "A" of WINDSWEPT ADDITION TO ENCHANTED FOREST (Plat Book 55, Page 15) Situated in the North 1/2 of Sections 21 and 22, being also Part of U.S. Survey 3011, Township 43 North, Range 5 East, Jefferson County, Missouri, as shown by plat on file in the Recorder's Office of Jefferson County, Missouri, in Plat Book 201, Pages 17 & 18; Parcel No. 02-2.0-09.0-0-000-316 All of Block N of Hermitage Hills, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 36 page 4 of the Jefferson County Records. The names of all parties to said action are stated above in the caption and the name and address for the attorney for Plaintiff is Erik C. Zorumski, 4509 Lemay Ferry Rd., St. Louis, MO 63129. You are further notified that unless you file an answer or other pleading, or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid petition within 45 days after the first date of publication of this notice, which is JANUARY 26, 2024, a judgment by default will be entered against you. Witness my hand and seal of the Circuit Court this 8TH day of JANUARY, 2024. Michael E. Reuter, Circuit Clerk By: /S/ A. FRIERDICH, DEPUTY CLERK 2572748 Jeff Co Jan 26, 2024

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