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January 12, 2024

STATE OF MISSOURI SS. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTY-THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF MISSOURI, AT HILLSBORO, JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI Cause No. 23JE-CC00875 DivisionA.LORENZ NASSER, and KATHERINE HOVEY, Plaintiffs, VS. ROBERT G. EMMONS, or his heirs And RUTH EMMONS And OBASOGIE GROUP INC. Defendants.AMENDED NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATIONThe State of Missouri to Defendant Ruth Emmons, or their heirs or successors in interest: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court for the County of Jefferson, Missouri, the object and general nature of which is a Petition to Quiet Title regarding the following real property: All of Lot 18 Block F Subdivision 1 of Cedar Hill Lakes, as shown by plat on file in the Recorder's Office of Jefferson County, Missouri in Plat Book 9 Page 19, filed on behalf of A. Lorenz Nasser and Katherine Hovey. The Petitioners in this action are A. Lorenz Nasser and Katherine Hovey and the whereabouts of Defendant Ruth Emmons, or their heirs or successors in interest are unknown. Plaintiffs' Attorney is Justin L. Cardwell, 10438 Business 21, P.O. Box 888, Hillsboro, Missouri 63050. You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid Petition within forty-five days after the 12TH day of JANUARY, 2024, Judgment by Default will be rendered against you. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 26TH day of DECEMBER, 2023. (SEAL) MICHAEL E. REUTER, CIRCUIT CLERK /S/: A. FRIERDICH, DEPUTY CLERK 2568640 Jeff Co Jan 12, 2024

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