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September 30, 2023

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF LADUE ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURINotice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Ladue will hold a Public Hearing on a recommendation submitted by the Zoning and Planning Commission that the City Council approve a Special Use Permit to install solar panels on the roof of the house at 9301 Ladue Road. Property lies in the D Zoning District. The Hearing will be held at 4:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be properly heard, on Monday, October 16, 2023, at the Ladue City Hall, 9345 Clayton Road. The Hearing will be open to the public any person interested in proceedings will be given an opportunity to be heard. Pursuant to Section 610.033 RSMo., the City Council could vote to close the public meeting and move to executive session to discuss matters relating to litigation, legal actions and/or communications from the City Attorney as provided under section 610.021 (1) RSMo. Andrea Sukanek City Planner In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 "ADA", the City of Ladue will not discriminate against qualified individuals on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. If you require an accommodation or modification please contact Stacey Mann, City Clerk, (314) 993-3439, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. 2543659 County Sep. 30, 2023

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Missouri Lawyers Media has abstracted these listings from public notices submitted to us for publication, which we do not independently verify. Where we've been able to enhance listings with supplementary information, that information is unofficial and uncorroborated. For the official version of a public notice, consult the print edition. BridgeTower Media assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these listings and makes no representations regarding their accuracy or reliability.