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federal project number TAP-5500(688).
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federal project number TAP-5500(688).

September 30, 2023

Request for Proposals – City of Wildwood, MOI. Project Background and Scope of Work The City of Wildwood is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide right-of-way acquisition services for the Old State Road Shared Use Path Project, federal project number TAP-5500(688). The project involves the acquisition of temporary construction easements and permanent easements from 13 parcels along Old State Road for the purpose of constructing a new 10-foot wide shared use path. The path will provide a bicycle and pedestrian facility to connect neighborhoods in the area. The selected consultant will be responsible for providing the following services: · Title research for parcels requiring permanent easement. · Preparation of legal documents and exhibits including easement deeds (legal descriptions and easement exhibits will be provided by the City of Wildwood) · Determining just compensation for acquisitions · Negotiating with property owners to acquire easements. · Providing relocation assistance if necessary · Closing services for property acquisitions All services must be provided in accordance with the Missouri Department of Transportation Local Public Agency Standards, Missouri state law, and the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Respondents must be included on the roster of Approved Contract Negotiators as published by the Missouri Department of Transportation. II. Schedule and Budget The right of way project is expected to commence in December 2023 with a maximum duration of 6 months from notice to proceed. Consultant fees and acquisition costs will be paid as part of a total lump sum fee proposed by the consultant. III. Instructions to Proposers Proposals must be submitted by email to Dan Rahn, Assistant City Engineer, at by 4:00 p.m. local time on October 17, 2023. Hard copy proposals will also be accepted at City Hall by the same deadline. Proposals shall include the following: 1. Cover letter expressing interest 2. Related project experience 3. Lump sum fee proposal 4. Ability to begin immediately Proposals will be evaluated primarily on the lump sum fee proposed. Other factors including qualifications, experience, and ability to begin immediately will also be considered. The City reserves the right to conduct interviews and request additional information from select consultants prior to making a final selection. IV. Contact Information Please direct any questions regarding this RFP to: Dan Rahn, Assistant City Engineer City of Wildwood 16860 Main Street Wildwood, MO 63040 636-458-0440 x116 V. Insurance Requirements The selected consultant shall agree to maintain and provide evidence of insurance coverage meeting the requirements established by the City of Wildwood, Missouri. VI. Contract Terms The contract duration will be for approximately 4 months from notice to proceed. Standard City contract terms and conditions shall apply. 2543582 County Sep. 30, 2023

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