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Sealed bids for the supply of Custodial Services
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Sealed bids for the supply of Custodial Services

June 29, 2024

INVITATION FOR BIDSSealed bids for the supply of Custodial Services will be received by the City Clerk for City of Town and Country, 1011 Municipal Center Drive, Town and Country, Missouri, 63131, until 10:00 AM CDT, Wednesday July 24, 2024, at City Hall, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. A pre-submittal site visit is required by all firms submitting proposals on July 10, 2024 at 10:00am to begin at 1011 Municipal Center Drive. They can be scheduled with Tom Thousand (City Hall & Firehouse 314-267-2388) or Jim Schaumberg (Parks 636-751-2388) at least one week prior to the bid opening if the above date and time cannot be made. The Scope of Work includes cleaning and janitorial services for various facilities. Bid packages are available from the City of Town & Country website: The City of Town and Country is a tax exempt entity. A project exemption certificate will be supplied to the successful contractor. A bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid amount must accompany each bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. The City of Town and Country shall award any contract based on the proposal that, in its sole discretion, best meets the interests and requirements of the City. The City of Town and Country reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any and all proposals, to waive technicalities or deficiencies in any or all the proposals, to negotiate with any or all bidders or others for other or more favorable terms or prices, and/or to award the contract to other than the bidder submitting the lowest cost proposal, with or without negotiation. 2626217 County Jun. 29, 2024

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