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June 28, 2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNotice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Valley Park, Missouri at 7:00 pm on Monday, July 15, 2024 in the Board Room of City Hall, 55 Crescent Ave., Valley Park, MO 63088, to consider a conditional use permit for the property located at 306 St. Louis Ave. occupied by OJ Laughlin Plumbing Co. The petitioner would like to amend an existing conditional use permit to conduct material transfer operations of excavation material on the property. During said hearing, interested parties will have an opportunity to be heard. All questions or inquiries should be directed to John Brancaglione, contracted City Planner with PGAV Planners, at 314-655-4308, or Matt Roskowske, Community Development Director, at 636-212-3084 during regular business hours. If you wish to comment, but cannot attend the meeting, please send your comments and contact information to Nathan Schauf, City Administrator, at by 6:00 pm on Monday, July 15, 2024. 2625659 County Jun. 28, 2024

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Missouri Lawyers Media has abstracted these listings from public notices submitted to us for publication, which we do not independently verify. Where we've been able to enhance listings with supplementary information, that information is unofficial and uncorroborated. For the official version of a public notice, consult the print edition. BridgeTower Media assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in these listings and makes no representations regarding their accuracy or reliability.