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411 Fassen St Saint Louis, MO
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Date of Final Sale
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411 Fassen St Saint Louis, MO

July 03, 2024

In Re: Key Properties & Investments LLCTRUSTEE'S SALE - Under the terms of the Deed of Trust executed by Key Properties & Investments LLC dated 09/27/2022, and recorded on 09/29/2022 Book 09292022 Page 0195 Document 09292022-0195 in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for St. Louis City, MISSOURI, the undersigned Successor Trustee, will on 07/23/2024 at 10:00 AM at the East Front Door of the Courthouse, Civil Courts Building 10 N Tucker Boulevard, City of St. Louis, MO 63101, sell at public venue to the highest bidder for cash subject to the terms announced at the sale, the realty described in said deed of trust, to wit: PARCEL #1 THE SOUTHERN 27 FEET 7-1/2 INCHES OF LOT 22 IN BLOCK 1 OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF BLOCK 54 OF THE SECOND SUBDIVISION OF CITY COMMONS IN BLOCK 1515 OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, FRONTING 27 FEET 1/2 INCHES ON THE EAST LINE OF IOWA AVENUE, BY A DEPTH EASTWARDLY OF 125 FEET TO AN ALLEY. PARCEL #2 THE WESTERN 1/2 OF LOT NO. 9 IN BLOCK NO. 8 OF SURVEY 3 OF THE FORMER TOWN OF CARONDELET AND IN BLOCK NO. 3096 OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, FRONTING 25 FEET ON THE NORTH LINE OF SCHIRMER STREET, BY A DEPTH NORTHWARDLY OF 140 FEET TO AN ALLEY. PARCEL #3 A LOT IN BLOCK 2837 IN THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, FRONTING 23 FEET 9-1/4 INCHES ON THE NORTH LINE OF FASSEN STREET, BY A DEPTH NORTHWARDLY OF 135 FEET 6-1/2 INCHES TO AN ALLEY, HAVING A WIDTH THEREON OF 23 FEET1-1/7 INCHES, BOUNDED EAST BY A LINE 103 FEET 9-1/4 INCHES WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF MICHIGAN AVENUE. PARCEL #4 LOT C OF PRIVATE SURVEY BY DODDS SURVEYORS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN SURVEY RECORD BOOK 9 PAGE 115 AND IN CITY BLOCK 2837 OF THE CITY ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI RECORDER`S OFFICE PARCEL #5 A LOT IN BLOCK 73 OF EILER SURVEY AND IN BLOCK 3038 OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, FRONTING 57 FEET 2 INCHES ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF MINNESOTA AVENUE, BY A DEPTH WESTWARDLY OF 141 FEET 9 INCHES, MORE OR LESS, TO AN ALLEY; BOUNDED SOUTH BY A LINE PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 40 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF ROBERT AVENUE Eastplains Corporation SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Published in the St. Louis City Daily Record File #: AHMJAL16 First publication date 07/03/2024 2624932 City Jul. 3, 2024

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